About Pumpkin Paradise, LLC
We will be open in 2024 to the public on Saturdays and Sundays only, from Saturday, September 28 through Sunday, October 27, from 2 to 7 pm. Schools call for appointment for weekday field trips. Driving directions are below. Cash or check only, we cannot accept cards. And please, no smoking, no alcohol, no pets. We look forward to seeing you! Come visit a western Kansas farm!
Pumpkin Paradise, LLC began in 2002 when the Steve Weidner family decided to expand Steve's pumpkin-growing hobby into a pick-your-own pumpkin patch and corn maze open to the public. The patch has grown from a half-acre pumpkin patch and a half-acre maze in 2002 to 12 acres of pumpkins and produce and a 4-acre maze. Steve, who is also a fourth-generation full time farmer, is always enthusiastic (some say obsessive!) about any project he undertakes. He spends most of the year researching pumpkin varieties and ordering every type of seed he can find, so that now he plants over 100 varieties of pumpkins, gourds, and squash each year! Steve designs the maze himself and puts it in by hand. He tries to add a new attraction every year, because we aren't just selling pumpkins - we're selling fun!
We hope you will enjoy your experience at Pumpkin Paradise!
Steve and Janet Weidner
Located northeast of Sublette, KS on Haskell County Road 100 between County Roads RR and SS. GPS sometimes doesn't recognize us or sends you down roads that don't exist - a few people have gotten stuck on farm trails! Use the directions below.
9 miles north of Sublette (25 miles south of Garden City) on US Highway 83, then 5-1/2 miles east on Road 100.
From Dodge City: West on US Hwy 56 to 7 miles west of Montezuma, then 12 miles west on KS Hwy 144, then 3 miles north on Haskell County Road RR, then 1/2 mile east on Road 100. (Look for the signs directing you to Pumpkin Paradise at the turnoffs.
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